
Showing posts from May, 2024

MLOps Zoomcamp 2024 – Module 2

  Module 2 – Experiment-Tracking Source Homework Q1. Install MLflow To get started with MLflow you’ll need to install the MLflow Python package. For this we recommend creating a separate Python environment, for example, you can use conda environments, and then install the package there with pip or conda. Once you installed the package, run the command mlflow –version and check the output. What’s the version that you have? import mlflow mlflow.__version__ '2.13.0' Answer of Q1: 2.13.0 Q2. Download and preprocess the data We’ll use the Green Taxi Trip Records dataset to predict the duration of each trip. Download the data for January, February and March 2023 in parquet format from here. Use the script located in the folder homework to preprocess the data. The script will: load the data from the folder <TAXI

Stock Market Analytics Zoomcamp - Module 3

  Module 3: Modeling for Time Series Source Homework